How to Assemble Y Velo Junior Balance Bike: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Assemble Yvolution Velo Balance Bike?

How to Assemble Yvolution Velo Balance Bike?

How to Assemble Y Velo Junior Balance Bike: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Open the Box Safely (The outer box may be different over time) 

    • Use a safety knife to carefully cut along the tape on the edges of the box. Make sure to avoid cutting too deep to prevent damaging the contents inside.
  2. Separate the Contents

    • Remove all parts and components from the box. Lay them out on a flat surface for easy access.
  3. Assemble the Front Wheel

    • Take the front wheel stem and guide it through the tube of the bike frame.
    • Place the blue cap over the top of the stem and then insert the handlebar stem into the tube.
  4. Secure the Handlebars

    • Use the supplied bolt and nut to attach the handlebar stem to the bike.
    • Start by tightening the bolt and nut with your fingers to ensure they are properly aligned.
    • Once aligned, use the two Allen keys provided, turning them in opposite directions to securely tighten the bolt and nut.
  5. Install the Seat

    • Insert the seat post into the designated slot on the bike frame.
    • Adjust the seat height to your preference using the supplied fixings.
    • Turn the fixings clockwise to lock the seat firmly into place.
  6. Final Check

    • Double-check all parts to ensure everything is tightly secured and properly assembled.

Congratulations! Your Y Velo  Balance Bike for Toddler is now fully assembled and ready for use. Enjoy your new balance bike!